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November Goals-Share Yours Here!


November GoalsI love a  new month, a fresh slate, a time to plan and set  new goals.  November is  the perfect place to pause, reflect on the year and prepare to finish 2015 strong. 

Today I’m sharing some of my personal goals for this month. I’d love for you to share yours, too! Remember, what works for one gal, doesn’t necessarily work for another so, there is no “right way” here. We are all women, working together to live  in our fullest potential. Put your blinders on, not looking to the right or to the left,  and develop plans that will help you be your best self. It’s exciting isn’t it, to think of a new month with fresh possibilities?November Goals-Start Today

Here are a few of the things I’m excited to pursue this month:

  1. Reading. In the summer, I big fat HEART staying out in the garden until the sun sets at 10pm. Likewise, when the evenings are dark and cold, I love reading in bed with at least 5 heavy blankets piled on top of  me. Right now I’m reading Rising Strong, Big Magic-Creative Living Beyond Fear,  and Adventures for Your Soul.  
  2.  Hospitality. I’ve been feeling really convicted lately about this one. In my heart, I know we need to host more dinners and playdates. I need to let any nerves or insecurities go and start opening up our home more. The truth is, no one cares how big or small, or clean or messy our homes are. People are longing for connection, not perfection. 
  3.  Gratitude projects with the kids. During November, we will be filling our shoeboxes , handwriting some thank you notes and  keeping our eyes open for other ways to show appreciation.
  4.   Get outside everyday.  I can do well with this goal all summer and then as the days become shorter and colder, the good habit of getting outside can slip.  Whether the sun is shining or if we need to wear rain jackets, my kids and I need fresh air and exercise daily. As a Mama of 3 little ones, this is a sanity saver.
  5.  A bag a day. November is the perfect month to go through all the things we own and reassess why we still have what fills our  home. Next month, I want to welcome Christmas with  less toys, less clothes and less stuff. Excess, can fog our brains and clutter our lives. To deal with the intense amount of “stuff” accumulated throughout the year, I love to challenge myself to gather up a bag a day to donate.November Goals-Set them, do them

What are some of the things you’re pursuing this month? Share your goals in the comments below or if you have a blog, write your own post and then share the link below!

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